Albert's fire apparatus sales literature

I have been collecting fire apparatus sales literature since 1988. I don't know how many brochures, catalogs, folders I have at this moment, but I have literature from about 350 different manufacturers from around the world.

Any help or donations to my collection are very much apreciated, so if you have any literature that you might have available for me, do not hesitate to contact me!

If you are interested in swapping/trading literature, please contact me:
I have ample trading material!

From this page you can have a look at several samples from my collection. I have planned to add more pages in the near future.

Some samples from my literature collection:
(including some links)


Notice: If there is any material on my pages that is copyright protected and is not allowed on these pages by the copyright holders, please notify me. In that case I will remove these images from my pages.





Albert Baas, Heeten, Netherlands
Copyright © 2016 Albert Baas.

Products and companies referred to herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies or mark holders.